Why is New Gear Important for Skiing and Snowboarding?

Why is New Gear Important for Skiing and Snowboarding?

Let's talk about why is new gear important for skiing and snowboarding? It might be challenging to let go of ski or snowboard equipment you have used for several years. They put you at ease, and you've spent much time together, so you have plenty of experience doing things together. 

But with time, every mechanical object will degrade to the point that it must be replaced. Why aren't you just going to keep utilizing that old, worn-out gear? The primary reason is for everyone's safety. In addition, progress has been made in equipment technology.

Suppose your skis or snowboard are more than ten years old. In that case, you won't be able to take advantage of the better performance offered by newer generations of skiing and snowboarding gear. 

If you purchase an upgrade, you may improve your skiing or snowboarding ability. Because using current equipment is less taxing on the body, skiers and snowboarders can spend more time on the mountain. 

To get a feel for what it's like, you should hire brand new skis a few times. It's possible that you won't want to use the same gear that you had before. However, the most crucial reason for an update is safety. There are two essential equipment items, ski bindings, and helmets, to pay attention to while making your purchase.

Upgrade Most Important Two Items:

These are the two most essential items to consider upgrading.

  • Ski binding
  • Ski & snowboarding helmet

Let's discuss in detail why we need to upgrade ski binding and helmets.

1. Ski Bindings

How your bindings are released might be affected by factors such as use, time, and storage circumstances. They could accidentally release while skiing, or they might not release at all if they fall. Both of these scenarios carry the risk of severe damage. Plastic components will eventually age and become less strong, regardless of how well you take care of your equipment. There is a possibility that concealed fractures will occur.

Before the beginning of each season, you should have a ski shop check and reset for you so that you can ski worry-free. Christy Sports provides this service to those in the greater Boulder, Colorado region. 


It is important to note that manufacturers do not allow service personnel to work on bindings over ten years old. Because they and the ski shops only want to deal with safety equipment, the manufacturers will not return obsolete bindings.

2. Ski and Snowboarding Helmets

On the other hand, brain injuries may not always recover without any lasting effects, which is not usually the case for different types of damages. However, this organ is responsible for a significant portion of who you are and what you can do. 

Helmets shield the head from injury in the event of a severe fall or contact with another person or object. Because of this, it is essential to examine your helmet for signs of wear and tear and age. 

It is important to note that the polymers used in helmets deteriorate with time; thus, the manufacturers suggest replacing them every three to five years. The Snell Foundation recommends that replacement should occur every five years.

If an accident leaves noticeable damage to a helmet, such helmets need to be changed as soon as possible. However, this includes dents, soft patches, or fractures in the outside shell and the protective liner on the interior. In addition, if the liner has a brittle feel to it or is breaking apart, your helmet will not absorb the force of an impact very well and should be replaced.

Inspect the buckles and straps for any signs of wear or damage. The buckles need to connect easily. If any of your equipment has to be replaced, ski stores provide new helmets in addition to other types of gear for both skiers and snowboarders.

When is the right time for me to update my ski boots?

Even though ski boot liners tend to pack out much before this point, even before the shell loses its integrity, manufacturers state that boots should endure for around 200 skier days. 

Even though you may have only put in approximately 90 days' worth of skiing on your boots, it is time to change at least the liner, if not the complete boot.

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